Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Objects In The Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

 Today, it happened! I took one of the first of many steps to making my dream of being a published writer come true. I know it's not big league yet... but it's there. My first article is under an advice section for families. Don't believe me... check it out yourself! 

Me, Myself & Why | Families (vocal.media)

For me, this isn't just one of my daily rants on a website... it's me taking the plunge to put myself out there. Opening myself to criticism and thoughts regarding the words I use to formulate sentences. All tied around my personal journey. The real raw side of my feelings regarding topics that have presented feelings on the negative end of the spectrum in the past. I am really doing this. I am really, really doing it! It's so easy to have a passion in your heart and speak of a future state of it possibly happening. It's another when you find the effort and time you have been pushing into long hours of the night... aren't for nothing! 

I also think it is pretty cool all of this kicked off on the day of my grandpa's birthday. Happy Heavenly 81st Birthday to you. I wish you could be here so I could call you and tell you all about it! I know you wouldn't understand the concept of it but you were always one of my biggest supporters... 

When I was living with my grandparents prior to moving into my first home, I told my grandpa about my blog and he told me he wanted to read my daily rants. However, it wasn't real computer savvy so he asked me to print them out. Each morning he would have my blog printed in front of him as he drank his morning coffee, reading. When I would get home at the end of the day, he would always say the same thing "I read your book thing and Crissy, it was really good"! I always thought that was so cool. Not any of my other family members took an interest, but he did! 

I am not sure if I want to cry, jump up and down, or sleep! I am so dang proud of myself for reaching the first level. Now, the work continues to write, write and write until I make it yet to another website and another. Building my portfolio with various types of creative writing examples. Another few months from now and it will be beyond a blank slate. I can't wait to watch myself and grow with my writing topics and styles. This is a learning experience for me as well. Finding the topics I can provide the most relatable experiences. To share the good, bad and ugly in hopes someone will have a takeaway that adds value. 

I need this in my life. I need to take the one thing I have always loved to do and make it my day to day reality. It's strange to have a passion for writing. When you are an artist and you paint, or build, or sing... people can grasp that and feel it. When you are a creative writer, most just think its a form of homework or a lot of english. You have to be one who appreciates the mental image that is placed in that gray matter between your ears. You get to experience feelings and emotions based on black ink on a white piece of paper. No pictures! No stimulation other than the words. How cool is that? 

As, I stated before... I don't know where I am going to land in the next few months but I know its going to be in a direction that feels good. That provides food to my soul and lets me wake each day with a love for my life and me, myself and I. I have worked hard to get to this state and this place in my life. I am ready... and honestly, I can't wait! 

Thank you to all of those Nouns that have been supportive and continue to encourage my passion. 

It's all starting to happen! 

"Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon" ~Paul Brandt

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