Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Dear Ghosts of My Christmas Past

I wanted to write you and say thank you for keeping your word and once again making an appearance just as you said you would. Although, your face is different and your voice has changed... the message you have to deliver is the same. 

Fueled by emotions of jealousy, resentment, and explained using words that cause pain. Your goal is to bring up a time that is no longer. The things you said this year, although, harsh and rude, don't have the same impact as last year. This year I am stronger. I know my worth and I also know the value of biting my tongue. There is nothing I can say or do to change your perception of me. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you anyways!

I may not be in attendance at your holiday celebrations, nor will I receive words of cheer. 

However, it still is a beautiful season and you deserve to have a heart filled with love, a voice echoed with laughter, and a presence of embraces and hugs. It might never be me who is near you when the tree lights are plugged in, or exchanging updated stories on what we have missed since we last met. I am okay with that and I am pretty sure you are too. Please don't let your perception of me bring you down this holiday season. I know you will not impact mine. So see, this will work out perfectly fine! 

There was a point in time, I truly cared about you and held you within my heart... I guess you weren't aware of that... but when it comes to gossip, how could you be? You jumped on a bandwagon that deemed I had put you down. You obviously do not know me or you would have asked around. You would have not chosen to slander my name or spit out nasty words. 

I can promise you this... once you discover the truth, you are going to feel pretty absurd! 

Don't worry, I will not rub this in your face or even say I told you so... I will simply smile and hope that the past has no further places to go. That maybe you will learn that not all who stand by your side are honest or good, that maybe... just maybe... they purposely pulled you in and lied. 

Don't get upset, I too once fell for the game and got lost in the gossip, until I realized who they were and watched how much effort they applied to hurt others in spite... 

My future friend... it's sick, and not right!

So cheers to you... I wish you a Holiday season filled with love, laughter, and most of all... a slice of humble pie!

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